Sunday, August 29, 2010

You are precious.

Like a gem, you a precious, and ready to shine once the sunlight hits you. You may have some cracks, some rust, some dirt, but you are still precious to those around you. You are the same as the others, but yet so different and rare.

Lately I have been saying "Embrace it, Love it!!" to literally everything going on or being said around me. Embrace the differences you have, and embrace the differences they have. God has made you, therefore you are beautiful. God does not make junk, and He makes everyones life matter. Love every single moment in time, for it is what God has given you; for it is the journey that God has placed in your life. He has a pathway for you, and even though you don't know where that path leads yet, and the road can have some hardcore bumps and turns, God is holding your hand through it all. You may not agree with whatever is happening throughout your life, or you may not agree with something someone else does, but God has given us grace, compassion, forgiveness and love for a reason, use it! So many people around you, who struggle with their lives, need you to step up to the plate, and make an effort to be that person that God wants you to be. The one who is no longer afraid to speak to a stranger, the one who makes the effort to get to know more and more about that individual sitting alone on the bench. Get out of your comfort zone, that person may be running out of hope, and you could be the one about to change their whole perspective on what life really is. God wants us to reach out, and not to be scared. So let's go for it! I challenge you to go up to someone that you may see from time to time, but never speak to. They need some encouraging words, and I believe that God wants to use you to deliver His words to them! How precious and awesome is that?

Life is a journey. A crazy journey in which God has set for us. Each of our lives are filled with different stories, thoughts and worries. What's so awesome is that with God, we don't need to worry, we don't need to feel useless, we don't need to think about what others think of us, or whatever else we think about, because life is God. We cannot have life without Jesus, and we should want to share our lives through Christ towards others! Don't be stuck in a group of individuals, it's great to have your friends and work hard to keep them, but don't be scared to reach out! I was watching To Save A Life tonight, which I totally recommend everyone to watch! It's pretty incredible. It just really got me thinking + really made me feel the need to share this message with all of you! :)

They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat upon them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.
- Isaiah 49:10

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