So I'm working at a Christian Camp, therefore I was unable to continue these online blogs. Sorry! But here's a new one! I'll be trying to post more this week!
Leviticus 4:32-35
Read this in a slow soft voice. Really think about what it is saying. You may think that it is confusing, but just try and focus and understand what this passage says, because it has such great significance.
Think of why God would want these offerings to happened in such a unique way. Was it so that everyone would be able to see the offerings? Was it because the blood of the lambs that were slain was to represent Jesus’ blood because He was the Lamb Of God? Do you think that He was cruel to let the animals suffer to bring Him offerings? Why or Why not? Do you think that we should still have these offerings today?
These offerings happened before Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Therefore, when I think about these offerings being done now, I fully believe that it is very unnecessary for us to commit such offerings. God has sent His song down as His offering to us, and we made Him die by being nailed to a cross so that God could forgive our sins. We may have moments where we struggle with forgiving ourselves for something that we have done, and even if we know that God forgives us, we sometimes have a hard time believing. How can we let someone forgive us before we can even forgive ourselves? A lot of times we put all the blame on ourselves, and we have a hard time focusing on solving our problem of forgiveness, so we let ourselves become more upset as the days go by. Listen brothers and sisters, God forgives you, for whatever it is that you have done. During your time with God, focus on searching for answers in the Bible about forgiveness. Take time to pray, and talk to God about the sin you feel so horrible about.
Jesus took all sins away from us once He was nailed to that cross. We need not worry about God forgiving us, we should worry more about committing that sin again. So many times we apologize for sins that we have done in the past, but that we continue doing. Think about this… God has sacrificed His ONLY son Jesus for us, and we are not willing to give up our greatest sin for Him? God has made it clear that no sin is bigger than any other sin, and that all things are possible through Him. Those two promises that are stated in the Bible fit together perfectly. No need to boast about how well you are doing compared to others, because any sin you are committing is equal to whatever sin they are doing. It’s society that classes sins from best to worst. There is no good sin, so just give it up, and stop fighting and finding ways to try and make it sound okay to do, because there is no sin that is okay in God’s eyes, and those eyes are the only ones that matter. If you believe that you want to quit this sin, but do not have the strength to do it, well let me tell you something… You always have the strength in Jesus Christ! Nothing is impossible with His help. Sometimes we have a hard time believing in ourselves to be able to quit, or to be able to do something that we are nervous about, but just remember your reasoning for it. If you are doing everything for God, He will be there with you every step of the way, carrying you through every obstacle and ocean that you come to. He is pulling you through the jungle of the world. If you really believed everything you tell people about God, you would have no doubt in your mind that you are able to do whatever it is you have trouble with. You will be able to do it because you will know that it’s not you doing the work through God, but that it is God doing the work through you. You don’t need to believe in yourself, but you need to believe in God. God is capable of all things, and He is working in your life during every breath you take. He is there with you, and you CAN do this. You can get through this, just pray and look for answers/encouragement in the Bible. He’s waiting to encourage you, but it’s a lot harder for Him to do so if we don’t have our hearts and ears open to Him. Tomorrow is too late, start right now, before it’s too late. Make the change, take the step, believe in God, believe in His power, His righteousness.
There are so many reasoning’s for the things God has planned. We may never understand them fully, but they always have purposes. Think of something that has happened in the past that made you feel like God’s reasoning wasn’t right. Reflect on your life afterwards, and how that one experience that you may have not fully understood why the situation happened the way it did, has benefited you in the end. Whenever something happens that we don’t want to happen, we end up doubting God. We always ask God how He could let these things happen, but the real question is, how could we let these things happen? Just because we have an amazing and powerful God, does not mean that we have the right to slack off in life, because we expect Him to pick up our messes. God wants to work through us, not do the work for us. We’re so quick to blame God, but never quick to blame Satan, or ourselves.
Pray in thanks to God for His biggest sacrifice. He is amazing, and I cannot imagine ever doing what He did, or going through what Jesus has gone through. If you need a reminder of how horrible everything that Jesus went through, I suggest that you read it again in your Bible, but also watch The Passion Of Christ. If you haven’t seen it yet, or haven’t seen it recently, it’ll blow your mind. Jesus did such a hugely amazing thing for us, and yet whenever we sin, it’s as if we are spitting on His bloody face. We need to pray that God works in us, and tell Him that we are ready to be fully His, so that He can take over our lives to its fullest! We need to start REALLY believing and acknowledging that He is capable, even when we are not.
Live your every day lives thanking God vocally for whenever you see something beautiful here on earth that He has placed here for us to see. Express your gratitude for each time you think about the pain He must have felt while watching His Son die on that cross, and get beaten over and over again before His death. Thank God for your life! He has allowed us to live without sin, and that is the most wonderful thing that we should focus on in our lives. God has forgiven us, and it’s time to start forgiving ourselves.