I know, this is the 4th blog that I’m writing that isn’t with my devotional book, but God has just been speaking to me, telling me to write these things to you, therefore, if you don’t like it, well HA, too bad!
A few weeks ago at a Bible Study that was being held at my house, our pastor spoke about the gift that God gives each and every one of us. This passage I am basing this post on is in Romans 12, so open up your bibles, and follow along! I pray that as you do, God shows you something completely different in these passages than what He has showed me.
The beginning of this passage reminds us that without focusing completely on God, we get tied up in worldly issues and things that will not matter later on in life. We are to forget worldly things and give all our heart, mind, and soul to our Lord in every minute of our lives, which none of us do. It’s so easy to just think and focus about all the evil that the news and tabloids show us, but reality is that everything on this planet is evil. We are surrounded by sin everywhere we turn, and instead of trying to avoid it, we have debates in our heads about how bad it really is. Moral of the story, if you have any doubt or feeling that whatever you’re doing/thinking isn’t right, than you shouldn’t be doing/thinking it. Even though we know these things, the arguments in our heads are always based on what God wants us to do, vs. what we want to do to. God is sinless, we are not, to be cleansed, part of the deal is to give everything up to God and do all that He wants for us. It’s not just praying a simple prayer and then going back to the lives we have always lived. We are to be transformed, to be completely made new. It’s either live one way or the other, enough of “living on the edge”, because you know what happens when you live on the edge? You end up falling hard, begging for help, praying and hoping that this isn’t the end of your life, because if it is, your life feels wasted.
While we live on the edge, we always assume that it’s fine because there is always someone worse than you in the world, doing something horrible. Did you know the Bible says that no sin is bigger than any other sin in God’s eyes? So to Him, if you treat someone with disrespect, its the same thing as if you were committing murder. That’s the truth, and sure it hurts, but we’re made to be His, and His word is true, who are we to judge the word of the Lord? It’s time to rethink your thoughts, and give everything up to God. Stop judging, because all it does it put others down, and leads you to boast yourself up higher. No one likes someone who is cocky, be honest and true to yourself, others and God because that is what is important. Remember that you are a part of God’s body, and so are others around you. Just like our body parts, every part of His is different, and made for different things. God gave you a gift, learn what it is and how to use it properly; how to honour our Father with the gifts He has given you.
The first gift this passage talks about is prophesying, those who have this gift shall honour God by working hard in growing in faith, and spreading His word to others in every opportunity possible. Don’t pass up the opportunities God has given you, because those are the things that make you who you are and who you are going to be. An experience with the Lord can change someone’s life completely. Share the word of God, and you will be greatly rewarded.
Serving is not a gift for everyone, although I feel that it is important for everyone to try to serve as much as you can, because we are to follow Jesus’ example, and He was put on this earth to serve. It is very important as a Christian to be willing to serve anyone at anytime, although our human nature does make it difficult at times, we must pray to be more willing to do this. Everyone could always use some help in whatever circumstance. Just be strong in the Lord, and no matter how difficult the task may seem, with God, nothing is impossible as long as you have faith in Himself and yourself.
Teaching is definitely not easy for everyone, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t able to teach. Maybe we feel uncomfortable about teaching because we think about it as something that can only be done verbally. We can still teach others through our actions, by serving God, helping others and ignoring worldly things and focusing on what really matters, God. Sometimes actions can make a bigger impact than words.
I think my favourite gift of all is the gift of encouragement. Without encouragement, so many people would not even recognize their gifts, talents, and how precious they are in God’s eyes. I challenge each of you to encourage somebody today, in any way possible. Everyone needs encouragement, and without it, so many people would be lost and feel hopeless in the world. Instead of thinking bad thoughts about someone, think of a way you can encourage them, because maybe they are acting the way they are because they feel like the mean nothing; because they feel useless, which is due to no encouragement or love in their lives. You don’t know what is happening around them, and what they have going on in their minds, so I just pray that you are able to encourage someone today and by doing so, you will also be encouraged.
Some people have the gift of giving, and the world needs more people who are willing to give. So many countries are in need of help, and if you are someone who has the gift of giving, I pray that someone encourages you to keep going with all the contributions you have done, because what you are doing is great, and we need more people who are like you. Don’t be scared to give to much, and to be stuck with nothing, God will always provide for you as long as listen and do what He wants you to do. He is a gracious giver, just have faith that He will not leave you astray, He will always reward you and never leave you empty. He is ready to give you everything you need, even if you are ready to give it all away. You are serving Him, and that is what matters. It may be challenging, but I promise you, you will be better off after you have given away whatever you feel is needed to be given.
Many people are meant to be leaders, but do not know how to act upon their leadership abilities. Don’t be scared to show people that you are a leader, and use it for God. To show others how important He is in your life, and how many great things that He has done in your life, and that He will do in theirs as well. Let them know that you may be a leader, but God is still you’re leader. Never ever forget that, because that is what is important in your life, along with everyone else’s.
Once again, praying for you all!
Until next time!